Empower - Enrichment Program for Homeschooling Families, Ages 5 and Older
This opportunity is purposefully designed to foster open exploration with an emphasis on play and building community while creating relationships in the Middle Childhood years. So often when we think of childhood we think of children who have not yet reached Kindergarten age, however there is an entire next phase of childhood often abandoned in our society and that is “Middle Childhood”.
Middle childhood is a time of developing greater independence and forming friendships through shared interests or experiences. While Early Childhood, roughly ages 0-5, is full of imaginative play, risk taking, and developing emotional regulations, Middle Childhood consists of all of those developmental aspects but adds in higher critical thinking skills and the ability to physically and intellectually be able to act in more advanced ways on their ideas.
Unfortunately, Middle Childhood is often overlooked in America as children are rushed into classroom type settings at early ages, consuming the time that arguably should be used for experimenting and building upon their imaginative ideas. One could also describe Middle Childhood as the “tinkering and engineering” phase.​
By joining these gatherings, your children can expect to have both open-ended opportunities with a mix of guided learning.
Our current offerings include:
*Empower - Experiential Learning through nature, art, experiments, and more.
Mondays 10am-11am
*Lego Club
Open creation, weekly themes, or monthly build challenges.
Wednesdays 10am-11am
*Boards and Pieces
Community puzzle challenges, board game sessions, and even board game creation.